Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Trojan Enz And Trojan Difference


Memory is phenomenal. Phenomenally bad. I know my phone number is not, I forget my zip code at regular intervals, although that has not changed is determined in the last five years. I hope. You need me never to ask what I ate today tomorrow. It is highly probable to me that information has fallen from the brain, as I left the house. Probably earlier. Looks like my natural hair color, I do not know everything, but this has certainly less to do with my limited memory capacity and more to do with the sheer unbearable that color (even neonkotziges hair I'd prefer!). Who the main character in my first story had escaped me and that I also ended. Probably not. (In this, I was never good in the end. For that I am an absolute expert on glorious beginnings: and less glorious Moves ... But that's another story.) Why is the cake that Grandma made always, always stick to the palate remained and led to half choking, I do not know and hopefully I never knew it, for fear that the answer may appear again, would rob me of sleep. Whether my neighbor really trumpet in elementary school was or if I had to baptize only in my head so because her voice was so incredibly annoying, and sometimes I forget, to all busy days when I head buzzing of bees and fabricate my thoughts astray art pieces that they qualify for the Cirque du Soleil, I must consider the question of my own name even. But one thing I will never forget. Never. I remember exactly the moment when I held this little girl for the first time in the arm, looked into her little face crumpled and I fell head over heels. Today, this little wrinkly faces 17 years now and no more crumpled-up, but still, after all these years, the most wonderful creature I know. With a heart that is so great that it deserved a whole country full of castles and marzipan so incredibly compassionate, I would like to pack it in cotton wool, so no one hurt and continue to occur every knee will pre who dare after all.

All the best birthday Jella. You are the best little sister anyone could ask for.


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