Monday, March 7, 2011

Dragon Balls Collection Yaoi

U.S. Army is apparently about to Libya-use

The U.S. armed forces are preparing to appear before a military operation in Libya. As the New York Times reported, citing senior government officials, special teams will help the Navy the insurgents. A use of the air force was being prepared, as an attack by ship.
The report finds that already the two assault ships "Ponce" and "Kearsage" are (in the picture with the aircraft carrier "USS Lewis and Clarke", which is also expired with the two boats) went to reach in front of Tripoli. On board the two vessels are maritime, air and land forces of the 26th Marine expeditionary force capable of acting over hundreds of kilometers.

One option is, therefore, special forces infiltrate to the insurgency against the regime of Muammar al-Gadafi support. These specially trained units could improve the combat effectiveness of the insurgents virtually overnight, the paper said. This tactic had been used in Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban 2,001th
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