Themba and Ngwaugw live in Bremen and visit a friend in Cologne. Themba, on his left, is 19 years ago came to Germany. He works in the bakery of a small bakery, "We are there for 7 people." His friend has a difficult name for German ears: Ngwaugw that speaks to Nuangua. He has lived here 10 years, is a truck driver, and both know each other from their home country of Congo. It is now the fourth time that I raised on the street people of the Congo, and every time I notice, the news from there are always bad. Although, or perhaps because it is one of the resource-rich countries of the world, are the words fall most commonly associated with this region: wars, poverty, rape . This is known as the "resource curse . The history of the country is characterized by exploitation , by greed for money, power and raw materials. Und wie es so ist; nur ein paar wenige profitieren. "Was hat mein Handy mit dem Krieg im Kongo zu tun?" Diese Frage rückte zeitweise ins öffentliche Bewusstsein im Zusammenhang mit dem Kongokrieg .
Themba and Ngwaugw live in Bremen and are visiting a friend in Cologne. Themba, on the left side, came to Germany 19 years ago. He works in a small bakery at the bakehouse: "We ere only 7 people working there." His friend has a difficult name for german ears: Ngwaugw, pronounced like Nuangua. He lives in Germany since 10 years, and they knew each other from before, when they lived in their native country Congo. It's the fourth time now that I approach people on the street from Congo, and each time I notice: news from Congo are always bad. Although, or maybe just because Congo is one of the richest countrys in the world concerning resources, the most used words in context with this region are: War, poverty and rape. There is a theory of Resource curse . The history of this country is a history of exploitation, it's about greed for money, power and resources. And like always; only a few capitalize on it. "Is your mobile phone made with conflict minerals?" this question temporarily was sinking into public consciousness during the Congo war.
Die Menschen in den Industrienationen haben einen Lebensstandard, which the world can not afford. If all of almost 7 billion people live like that, "three planets would be needed to provide it with the Earth Resources (n-tv) . Of the landfills never mind. However, the picture of life in Western Europe and North America "for the vast majority of the people is the ideal image of a desirable future and the tangible, not only because of their material advantages, but also because of the emancipatory hopes to connect it with European urbanity. " (From Häusermann / Siebel. P.69 urban sociology, Campus 2004 ). "(...) However, this way of life is not be applied universally. So she loses her humane, emancipatory content, and emerges as a system based on rule of privilege. " (Ibid, p.70)
That, I think you can not do often enough to make clear. Humans
That, I think you can not do often enough to make clear. Humans
of industrial nations have a standard of living Which is unaffordable to the earth. If all of the nearly seven billions of people would live like that, "3 more planets were needed to supply the world with enough resources." To say nothing about waste disposal sites. Nevertheless the image of western-european or north-american lifestyle is to "the vast majority of humans the ideal of a desirable future, not only because of it's available material advantages, but because that is the hope in emancipation, associated with the european urbanity "(from Häusermann / Siebel.. p.69 urban sociology, Campus 2004 However "(...) it's. not possible to universalize this lifestyle. And thereby, as a result, it looses it's humane, emancipatory content, turning out to be nothing more than a principle of dominance. "(ibid, p70.)
Everybody, in my opinion, should be very aware about this.
Everybody, in my opinion, should be very aware about this.
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