Friday, February 25, 2011

Jokar Picnic Movie Hot Scene

Leipzig Loden

Pia's cloth coat evokes a childhood memory and at the age of 10 or 11, I do not remember exactly, I had namely a loden cape. However, what I very well know, with my Loden Cape I was all alone on a limb. No one else had one, no one else had anything from Loden. I was Loden Frey ; something quite fine, as I was taught strongly than I had dared to oppose the unwanted garment unsuccessful appeal.
Pia enjoys in her coat my eye, despite the painful experience Loden, and in general, the traditional Walk a substance in my heart to know long rehabilitation.
"I found the jacket with my parents in the attic," says Pia, "Actually it is a children's coat, so the sleeves are so short." But he is pretty long, however, we find both, and Pia out before the hood. Pia is from Leipzig and now on a visit to Cologne with her friend. Actually they wanted to go away together, but it did not work. That is why they're doing now just a holiday weekend here. What is important in life? "Are not put off so quickly."
Pia's loden coat awakes a childhood memory: at the age of 10 or 11, I do not remember exactly, I could call a loden cape my own. But what I do remember exactly is that I was the only girl wearing a loden cape far and wide. No one else was wearing anything out of loden at all. My cape was from Lodenfrey ; something quite exclusive, like they insistently told me when I gave an unsuccessful try on getting rid of this unwanted piece of cloth.
Pia with her coat delights my eyes, despite my bothering loden-experience. I anyway rehabilitated the traditional woolen fabric in the meantime.
"I've found this coat at the attic of my parents house," Pia tells: "It's actually a childrens coat. For that reason the sleeves are so short." But on the other hand it's a pretty long cut coat, we both wonder, and Pia shows me the hood. Pia is from Leipzig visiting, her friend in Cologne. Actually they planned to make a short trip together, but it did not come off So they decided to spend a holiday weekend in Cologne instead. What's important to her? "Not to get so easily deterred."


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