more like random Aimée I ask whether it is something special in her life, given what they are doing, a project, a theme, an idea. And there are actually.. "I base a club just to the Ivory Coast to allow the construction of a school where there are two villages, but no school why the children to school each day of 12 km, they have to travel on foot. . 12 km there and 12 km back "Aimée himself grew up in Africa and has experienced the problem of long distance to school on his own body of content she is with her project had been quite strong. The place where the school will be built is found she has contacts and local support, there is already a building design and a financial report. Around 30,000 euros needed to build not only the school but a school canteen. "The children often study with hungry stomachs, the is a big problem. "Recently, Aimée has a page on which they their very personal Projekt auf sehr persönliche Weise schildert. Wer Lust hat sie zu unterstützen, auf welche Art auch immer, ist herzlich eingeladen sich bei ihr zu melden, oder einen ermutigenden Kommentar auf ihrer Seite zu hinterlassen.
More or less hapharzardly I ask Aimée if there is anything special in her life, which keeps her busy; a project, an idea, a topic, whatever. And indeed, there is something: "I'm founding an association at the moment, to make the construction of a school possible at Ivory Coast. There are two small villages, but no school. So the kids way to school amounts about 7,5 miles, and they have to walk this way. 7,5 miles to get there and 7 ,5 miles to return. Aimée grew up in Africa and she experienced a long walk to school herself. Basically she's yet at a good point concerning concrete terms: she found a place where the school shall be located, she has local partners and support, there is a construction plan for the building and a statement of cost. About 30.000 euros will be necessary to buld the school with a school canteen. "Many kids have to learn with an empty stomach. That's a big problem." Since a short while Aimée runs a site , where she tells about her personal idea in a personal way. Whoever feels like giving her support, in any way, don't hesitate to contact her, or leave an encouraging comment on her site.
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