fat pad on the arm
Many women struggle with fat deposits on the upper arms - also known as Winkeärmchen. One reason for the absence of the male hormone testosterone to be, since it serves both men and women to the development of lean body mass. In addition, the absence also responsible for a high cortisol levels and thus to stress.
So you get the problem under control
diet: fats and cholesterol are indispensable for the production of certain hormones. Therefore, it is advisable to eat foods with a certain amount of fat. There are nuts, eggs or biscuits. Protein is also important for building muscle. One serving of cottage cheese a day is already hilfreich.Vorsichtig should be with soy products: The ingredients cause the opposite effect and the formation of testosterone and estrogen negative.
Addition: magnesium oil in spray form can help ensure that the skin looks fresh and rested and the desired Elasticity gets back.
Sport: take weights on hand and start training for the arms. First start with little weight and increase slowly. No one wants to build muscles, but strengthen the arms and get a nice and firm skin.
Schlaffer hanging Po
Strong legs and buttocks can be a sign of high estrogen levels. Men also have this hormone - but in a lesser severity. Women take the pill or drinking more alcohol increases estrogen levels automatically.
Sun gets the problem under control
diet: without on sweets and instead prefer to rely on healthy vegetables like broccoli. Vegetables contain a plant substance that has a positive effect on the hormone balance. In addition, fibrous vegetables help the body process nutrients better and faster and eliminated disabled estrogen from the body.
Addition: try calcium D-glucarate, a plant extract, from, to support the self-cleaning process of the body. Thus, the body detoxifies and removes negative substances.
Sport: make endurance training and exercise the leg muscles. It is to lose excess fat and build muscle and testosterone.
Strong calves, feet and ankles
Strong calves, feet and ankles can be an indicator of weak growth hormones that work mainly for a good balance in the body and tissues. In particular, the hormone cortisol is there that the body maintains its balance, which can be affected by stress.
So you get the problem under control
Diet: Fatty avoid cookies and sweet desserts with lots of sugar and prepared foods. rely on Better food with high protein and natural ingredients back.
Addition: For a higher hormone production sleep essential. In addition, you can with magnesium and vitamin tablets vitamin refresh the budget.
Sport: make Every night before bedtime light sports exercises for the calves. It is useful to train this part of the body with rope jumping and squats.
fat around the waist
Many women have a problem with fat deposits around the waist. Increased insulin production can be a reason for it. Taking alcohol and thus much sugar to stop the burning of fat and blood sugar and high sugar levels may be the result. This eventually caused the fatty deposits known.
So you get the problem under control
diet: This part of the body responds very quickly to a change in diet, as the insulin production easy to check. Healthy foods such as lean meat, fish and eat lots of vegetables.
Addition: In addition, you can Fatburner, take for example, apples, citrus fruits or cabbage itself. They have hardly any fat and require extensive chewing. One will quickly fill. Be sure to stay away from carb-blockers. Although these carbohydrate-free food is often suggested as a good diet products , they often support only a lack of nutrition. And that's not the objective that we pursue! Green tea is one should lead to the drinks that you prefer . It boosts the metabolism and contains healthy ingredients.
Sport: do weight training to shut down the insulin production. you should set a goal to train at least three times a week for half an hour to .
Many women suffer from the love handles that will not go away - despite sport. The culprit is usually the hormone cortisol. It pumps the blood sugar and the fat is located right there, where we do not use it can - at the hip. Especially the people who have a lot of love handles, stress and exhausted afterwards is told.
So you get the problem under control
diet: sugar and alcohol intake and reduce drink no more than two or three cups of tea or coffee a day. The best fish, fruit and vegetables eat. Ideal are beans, lentils and whole grains.
Addition: eat products with unsaturated fatty acids to include Omega 3. The is present for example in fish and fish oil. In addition, vitamin D for a firm body and vitamin B for stress-reducing benefit.
Sport: never make more than 40 minutes of exercise and, preferably, only every other day. are ideal jogging and cycling. After eating the sports program, not before.
back fat
back fat occurs in most cases by the inability of the body, sugar and carbohydrates properly exploited. The hormone insulin, which lies a meal after meal . Is it not in a position to exploit it, back fat is created. In most cases, it inherited from the parents or the grandparents. Experiments, the insulin system to steer back into orderly!
So you get the problem under control
diet: You should make sure herunterzukurbeln carbohydrate intake. If you can not do without carbohydrates, you should rely on brown rice, oats or sorghum. In any case, you should take plenty of fruits, vegetables and protein to himself.
Addition: Omega 3 helps the body use sugar and hence to lose fat. Also helps Vitamin B, the attacked energy system of the body to heal.
Sport: Any kind of sports improves the recovery of insulin, ie the insulin response in the body. Before the sports drink is best another protein drink and take only two hours later, the next meal.
(source image: frauenzimmer.de, picture-alliance / dpa)
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