Some encounters and photos are so dear to me, that I may not so easy after post directly what. For example, goes with the Klein's me, right here down under. And even if it has not rained for three days in between there's now a little drizzle-picture series, which was created last and very rainy Monday. A fine opportunity to point also, finally (after it has actually been in every newspaper) on Vivian Maier, of which I have recently experienced at Visual thoughts. Vivian Meier is unfortunately already passed away and come straight to posthumous fame and glory. Full-time she has worked as a nanny in Chicago, but on days off she was traveling with her camera and photographed life on the road. Vivian never Maiers lifetime are the photos and there are very many; irgendwo veröffentlicht worden. Nun jedoch werden nach und nach einige auf 'ihrem' Blog gezeigt, und glücklich, wer in Hamburg weilt: Dort wurde vor wenigen Tagen eine Ausstellung mit ihren Arbeiten eröffnet.
Some meetings and photos mean such a lot to me, that it seems hard to find the right thing to post next. To me the Kleins from my previous post are like that. And eventhough it luckily didn't rain during the last days; here are some drizzle-pictures which I took on the last and very rainy monday. This moreover is quite a good chance to finally write something about Vivian Maier, although more or less all the newspapers have pubished her story in the meantime. I've heard at Visuelle Gedanken of her awesome story: Vivian Maier unfortunately died a few years ago, but currently she's posthumously coming to fame. She used to work as a Nanny in Chigago. But when she had her day off she always went out with her camera, taking photos on the streets. Never, during her lifetime, her photos, and she'd taken a large number, were published or exhibited somewhere. By now they get posted, bit by bit, at 'her' blog , and in Chigago and Hamburg her work currently is presented in exhibitions.
Wie sehr mich die wunderbaren Bilder der so privaten Fotografin elektrisieren kann ich kaum in Worte fassen. Zumal the rudimentary known story of her life exerts a unique fascination that brings my mind into thinking. There
details everywhere proclaimed wildfire message's here, or here , and visual thinking can be seen on top of that a very vivid TV report Chicago Tonight.
And now a few pictures of the Cologne Cathedral Square ....
details everywhere proclaimed wildfire message's here, or here , and visual thinking can be seen on top of that a very vivid TV report Chicago Tonight.
And now a few pictures of the Cologne Cathedral Square ....
I'm not even able to find some words to describe, how galvanizing the private photos of this woman photographing are to me. Especially since the rudimentarily known story of her life time is, on top of it all so fascinating, keeping my mind busy.
Here you may find some more details of these news, currently spreading like wildfire in germany. At Visual thinking you'll find an interesting TV-report of Chicago Tonight.
And here you'll find some more pictures from around the Cologne Cathedral ...
Here you may find some more details of these news, currently spreading like wildfire in germany. At Visual thinking you'll find an interesting TV-report of Chicago Tonight.
And here you'll find some more pictures from around the Cologne Cathedral ...
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