Actually, I'm talking to this couple, because I was curious about the jacket matching outfits makes. However, we are talking almost immediately about a completely different topic, namely the two are passionate about ice swimming. "Over there," says Mrs. M., and shows down the beach, "there is our bank. We go there every morning, legen unsere Sachen ab und gehen ins Meer." Vor 12 Jahren haben sie das Eisbaden für sich entdeckt und finden es großartig. "Nach ein paar Minuten fängt es in den Fersen an zu kribbeln, wann sie aus dem Wasser müssen das merken Sie dann schon." Mit ihrer Leidenschaft für eiskaltes Wasser befinden sie sich in guter Gesellschaft . Bundesweit gibt es Eisbade-Gruppen und Vereine, und über das traditionelle Neujahrsbaden wird regelmäßug in den Nachrichten berichtet. In Zinnowitz, wo ich die beiden treffe, ist das 'Anbaden' in dieser Saison jedoch ausgefallen: "Dieses Jahr ist das Eis so dick, da wären wir nicht mehr aus dem Wasser rausgekommen, das war zu gefährlich." Bilder vom letzten Jahr gibt's hier zu sehen, fast 100 Menschen sind unerschrocken ins kalte Meer gesprungen.
I actually approached this couple because their partnerlook teased my curiosity. But then we soon were talking about something totally different; both of them are passionate ice swimmers. "Back there" Mrs. M. said, showing along the beachside, "there is our bench. Every morning we drop our clothes on it and then we enter the ocean." 12 years ago they discovered ice swimming and since then they love it. "After a few minutes your feet start to tingle, you know by yourself when it's time to leave the water." They are in good and worldwide company, concerning their passion for icecold water. Many winterswimmers are organized in groups or clubs, all around the world, and the traditional new year ice swimming is often broadcasted in the news. In Zinnowitz, where I met this couple, the opening this year unfortunately could not take place: "This year the ice was too thick icesheet shelter is, so it would have been very hard to leave the water again." Here you may find some photos from the event last year, almost 100 people bravely plunged into the water "
For 52 years Mr and Mrs M. were married. He has a PhD in agriculture, she is a cook . Now, however, are both retired, and since a few years they have lived very Zinnowitz: "Before, we had 2 homes, and are always . Went back and forth " On we go, this way please ...
Since 52 years Mr. and Mrs. M are married, he's a doctor of agriculture, she's a cook Now, of course, they're retired. , and since a couple of years they live in Zinnowitz. "Before we used to have 2 households, and we kept commuting." To read more, please follow ...
Mrs. M. is in near Anklam the island of Usedom, born and where they have lived long. "Almost everything out of our budget where we have donated to the Panel Anklamer . This is a good system. "
In the background is the way the Zinnowitzer diving gondola . Brave people without agoraphobia can use it to get closer to the underwater world of the Baltic Sea. Inspired , the car including the submarine Nautilus , the Captain Nemo Jules Verne novels by "20 000 Leagues Under the Sea" and "The Mysterious Island" controls. And
convey an impression of how the conditions of the pleasurable ice swimming beach this year are now this ... .
In the background is the way the Zinnowitzer diving gondola . Brave people without agoraphobia can use it to get closer to the underwater world of the Baltic Sea. Inspired , the car including the submarine Nautilus , the Captain Nemo Jules Verne novels by "20 000 Leagues Under the Sea" and "The Mysterious Island" controls. And
convey an impression of how the conditions of the pleasurable ice swimming beach this year are now this ... .
Mrs. M. was born in Anklam, close to Usedom, Iceland, and they've been living there for many years. "We gave almost the complete household to the food bank of Anklam. That's a great institution."
In the background, by the way, the diving basket of Zinnowitz is to be seen. Courageous poeple can come close to the underwater world of the baltic sea, if they're unafraid of claustrophobia. The basket is, among others, inspired by the submarine boat Nautilus , headed by Captain Nemo who navigates it through the Jules Verne novels "20 000 leagues under the sea" and "The misterious island".
And to convey an impression of the current beach- and waterconditions; here you go...
In the background, by the way, the diving basket of Zinnowitz is to be seen. Courageous poeple can come close to the underwater world of the baltic sea, if they're unafraid of claustrophobia. The basket is, among others, inspired by the submarine boat Nautilus , headed by Captain Nemo who navigates it through the Jules Verne novels "20 000 leagues under the sea" and "The misterious island".
And to convey an impression of the current beach- and waterconditions; here you go...
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