It is already a few months ago that I the Kleins The last time was instituted, such as happens to be exactly at the place where I have also photographed the first time. Of course, since we are all one age become older, for Mr. Klein, this means that he is now 99 years old. Furthermore I will also inform at the beginning of our conversation yesterday, and it is my pleasure to see how Mr. Klein is pleased. "Still," he tells me, "I'm learning every day a phrase or a verse that seems to me to be worth it to me that I notice. And although in German, French or Latin." Of course, he gives a few of them and price. Since I am traveling without pen and paper here are only the gist Wiedergabe eines solchen Ausspruchs: "Ich beobachte um zu verstehen, nicht um zu urteilen."
A few months ago I met the Klein's the last time, excactly at the same place where I took the first photos of them. Naturally we all got older in the meanwhile: this means for Mr. Klein that he is 99 years old by now. That's one of the very first things he told me, when we met yesterday. And it's a great plaesure for me to witness how delighted he is about this. "Still," he says, at every single day I commit a versicle to memory, in german, french or latin. Of course he tells one or another, but for the reason that I don't have anything to write on with me, here I quote one, giving the gist of it: "I observe to grasp, . Not to judge "
Mr. Klein is a master of narrative emphasis, pause, record bays;. Passionately connected virtuosity and word-smart formulated always skillfully staged by ostensive gestures and his attention. index finger. maximum charm he draws his wife into the conversation with one, but without it the stage ever leaving altogether. "I will do no one," he says, with the emphasis on 'his', and makes an artistic break. " I know, though, that I am someone, and I shall not permit me.
On we go, this way please ...
On we go, this way please ...
Mr. Klein is a master of storytelling. Intonation, pauses, parentheses; combined with relish, drafted in a virtuoso manner. Always perfectly set into scene by the support of ostentsive gestures and a wagging finger. He charmingly integrates his wife into the conversation, although he never completely leaves the stage. "I don't want to be someone." he says, pausing for effect, accenting the "be". "But I do know, that I am somebody, and what I may permit to myself."
Please follow...
Please follow...
Den schwarzen Ledermantel hat er 1977 gekauft, und seine Frau hat ganz genau den gleichen. "Ich trag ihn aber nicht so gern; dieser hier ist wärmer." sagt Frau Klein und lächelt tiefgründig.
Mr. Klein bought his balck leather-coat back in 1977, and his wife has got Excactly the same one. "But I do not wear it too often, this one keeps me warm." she says with a smile tellingly.
"This is also one of those imponderables." Mr. Klein says to his wife, and nodded understandingly. I do not, however, "uncertainties, not anticipated to meet you here, that's something.." explain the two to me. Throughout our meeting, there are always moments which change in turn Mr. and Mrs. Klein to talk to all sorts of brief allusions, start over. Me alone these fleets Randbemerkungen unverständlich. Das späte Paar versteht sich blind, und behende wird der Gesprächsball hin und her gekickt.
"This is one of those imponderables." Mr. Klein says to his wife, who nods her understanding. Me, I don't understand: "Uncertainties, unexpected. To meet you, that's something like that." Throughout the entire meeting there are those moments, when the Klein's change or restart the conversation-topics into different topics; using subtle insinuations. For me most of the time hard do understand, the Klein's easily get their hints; and they kick the conversation-ball skilfully from one to another.
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