Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What It Means With A Body Temp Of 96.5?


Mit der Schaufel befreit Herr R. die Pfosten des Stegs vom Eis: "Da steckt eine Violence behind, you can not even imagine. "Just over 30 cm thick are the layers of ice that does to the shore and push the boat dock. Mr. R. what he can, but he suspects that will end the posts are so wrong that he needs to build the new bridge. In 1958, Mr. R., who grew up here, leave Usedom, and then he was not sure whether he would ever return. "I did not really believe that it is possible." says he said. How was it then come to the Fall yet again on the island, I ask him. "Well, that was something." he says only, and the rest of his face told. Mr. R. is a gardener, which is in the family. He has taken the profession itself and passed hat er ihn auch. Nun mit 71 ist er in Rente und das wichtigste im Leben, sagt er, ist die Gesundheit. Dabei sieht er mich an, als wäre er erstaunt, dass ich das nicht von selbst weiß.
With a shovel Mr. R is busy to clear the footbridge from ice. "There's a power behind it, you wouldn't imagine." The icesheet, which is pressing againt the banks and the landing stage is about 30 cm thick. Mr. R. does his best, but he supposes that the posts finally will be completely askew, so that he has to rebuild the footbridge. In 1958 Mr. R left Usedom, and back then he didn't expect to come back someday: "I couldn't belive, that it would be possible." I ak him how it finally was to come back, so many years later, after the fall of the Berlin Wall. "Well, that was quite something." he simply says, and his face is telling the rest of the story.
Mr R. is a gardener, it runs in the family, he himself took this profession over, and he passed it on, also. Now, with 71 he's retired, and aserstaunter blick
most important in life he considers health. Saying that he looks at me, with the look of astonishment, wondering why I don't know the answer all by myself.


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