Monday, January 31, 2011

Sixtyforce Pokemon Snap Help

other day, drizzle Monday ...

Some encounters and photos are so dear to me, that I may not so easy after post directly what. For example, goes with the Klein's me, right here down under. And even if it has not rained for three days in between there's now a little drizzle-picture series, which was created last and very rainy Monday. A fine opportunity to point also, finally (after it has actually been in every newspaper) on Vivian Maier, of which I have recently experienced at Visual thoughts. Vivian Meier is unfortunately already passed away and come straight to posthumous fame and glory. Full-time she has worked as a nanny in Chicago, but on days off she was traveling with her camera and photographed life on the road. Vivian never Maiers lifetime are the photos and there are very many; irgendwo veröffentlicht worden. Nun jedoch werden nach und nach einige auf 'ihrem' Blog gezeigt, und glücklich, wer in Hamburg weilt: Dort wurde vor wenigen Tagen eine Ausstellung mit ihren Arbeiten eröffnet. 
Some meetings and photos mean such a lot to me, that it seems hard to find the right thing to post next. To me the Kleins from my previous post are like that. And eventhough it luckily didn't rain during the last days; here are some drizzle-pictures which I took on the last and very rainy monday. This moreover is quite a good chance to finally write something about Vivian Maier, although more or less all the newspapers have pubished her story in the meantime. I've heard at Visuelle Gedanken of her awesome story: Vivian Maier unfortunately died a few years ago, but currently she's posthumously coming to fame. She used to work as a Nanny in Chigago. But when she had her day off she always went out with her camera, taking photos on the streets. Never, during her lifetime, her photos, and she'd taken a large number,  were published or exhibited somewhere. By now they get posted, bit by bit, at 'her' blog , and in Chigago and Hamburg her work currently is presented in exhibitions.

Wie sehr mich die wunderbaren Bilder der so privaten Fotografin elektrisieren kann ich kaum in Worte fassen. Zumal the rudimentary known story of her life exerts a unique fascination that brings my mind into thinking. There
details everywhere proclaimed wildfire message's here, or here , and visual thinking can be seen on top of that a very vivid TV report Chicago Tonight.
And now a few pictures of the Cologne Cathedral Square ....
I'm not even able to find some words to describe, how galvanizing the private photos of this woman photographing are to me. Especially since the rudimentarily known story of her life time is, on top of it all so fascinating, keeping my mind busy.
Here you may find some more details of these news, currently spreading like wildfire in germany. At Visual thinking you'll find an interesting TV-report of Chicago Tonight.
And here you'll find some more pictures from around the Cologne Cathedral ...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Activaction Cod Delta Force 2


It is already a few months ago that I the Kleins The last time was instituted, such as happens to be exactly at the place where I have also photographed the first time. Of course, since we are all one age become older, for Mr. Klein, this means that he is now 99 years old. Furthermore I will also inform at the beginning of our conversation yesterday, and it is my pleasure to see how Mr. Klein is pleased. "Still," he tells me, "I'm learning every day a phrase or a verse that seems to me to be worth it to me that I notice. And although in German, French or Latin." Of course, he gives a few of them and price. Since I am traveling without pen and paper here are only the gist Wiedergabe eines solchen Ausspruchs: "Ich beobachte um zu verstehen, nicht um zu urteilen."
A few months ago I met the Klein's the last time, excactly at the same place where I took the first photos of them. Naturally we all got older in the meanwhile: this means for Mr. Klein that he is 99 years old by now. That's one of the very first things he told me, when we met yesterday. And it's a great plaesure for me to witness how delighted he is about this. "Still," he says, at every single day I commit a versicle to memory, in german, french or latin. Of course he tells one or another, but for the reason that I don't have anything to write on with me, here I quote one, giving the gist of it: "I observe to grasp, . Not to judge "

Mr. Klein is a master of narrative emphasis, pause, record bays;. Passionately connected virtuosity and word-smart formulated always skillfully staged by ostensive gestures and his attention. index finger. maximum charm he draws his wife into the conversation with one, but without it the stage ever leaving altogether. "I will do no one," he says, with the emphasis on 'his', and makes an artistic break. " I know, though, that I am someone, and I shall not permit me.
On we go, this way please ...
Mr. Klein is a master of storytelling. Intonation, pauses, parentheses; combined with relish, drafted in a virtuoso manner. Always perfectly set into scene by the support of ostentsive gestures and a wagging finger. He charmingly integrates his wife into the conversation, although he never completely leaves the stage. "I don't want to be someone." he says, pausing for effect, accenting the "be". "But I do know, that I am somebody, and what I may permit to myself."
Please follow...

Den schwarzen Ledermantel hat er 1977 gekauft, und seine Frau hat ganz genau den gleichen. "Ich trag ihn aber nicht so gern; dieser hier ist wärmer." sagt Frau Klein und lächelt tiefgründig.
Mr. Klein bought his balck leather-coat back in 1977, and his wife has got Excactly the same one. "But I do not wear it too often, this one keeps me warm." she says with a smile tellingly.

"This is also one of those imponderables." Mr. Klein says to his wife, and nodded understandingly. I do not, however, "uncertainties, not anticipated to meet you here, that's something.." explain the two to me. Throughout our meeting, there are always moments which change in turn Mr. and Mrs. Klein to talk to all sorts of brief allusions, start over. Me alone these fleets Randbemerkungen unverständlich. Das späte Paar versteht sich blind, und behende wird der Gesprächsball hin und her gekickt.
"This is one of those imponderables." Mr. Klein says to his wife, who nods her understanding. Me, I don't understand: "Uncertainties, unexpected. To meet you, that's something like that." Throughout the entire meeting there are those moments, when the Klein's change or restart the conversation-topics into different topics; using subtle insinuations. For me most of the time hard do understand, the Klein's easily get their hints; and they kick the conversation-ball skilfully from one to another.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Truck Carpet Kit Plans


For 60 years now ladies and gentlemen, Mustafa Okutan-pub. At 17 he went into teaching in Istanbul, Beyoglu. During my trip to Istanbul I lived in this neighborhood, and now I feel in a way connected with his life, which is almost absurd.
Actually Beyoglu comparable to Cologne Ehrenfeld, where Mustafa has been 20 years since his salon Venlo on the initial mass. Directly opposite is the heart sister, a cafe in the neighborhood of the scene rather the trend reversed. Very close together so here are different worlds, the "From-To range ' both districts is represented quite well. Mustafa is a cheerful man with a clear voice and a lot of humor. Many times I saw him standing at his door, and always looked forward to his new headgear. Of this he has some, and not without pride he shows it: "All self-made"
also Express has reported on it recently, and the Lord, who is currently in the chair its customer, so learn from him: "My wife has said, go there yet again."
Since 60 years Okutan Mustafa works as a barber ladies and gentlemen. At the age of 17 he started his education in Istanbul, Beyoglu. During my trip to Istanbul I stayed in this part of the city, and immediately I fell so connected to Mustafa's life, that it's almost absurd. Somehow Beyoglu is comparable to Cologne-Ehrenfeld, where Mustafa runs his hair-salon at the Venloerstrasse. Exactly across the street the 'Schwesterherz' is located, a cafe frequented by the trend-scene. So these different worlds are quite close together, the 'from-to range' is well illustrated. Mustafa is a cheerful man, with a clear voice and a lot of witty playfulness. Quite a few times I've seen him, standing at his door, wearing a range of changing hats. He calls many of them his own, proudly presenting some of them to me: "All of them are handmade!"
Even the local newspapers lately covered his story, and the man sitting as a client on Mustafa's chair gained knowledge about him through this article. "My wife animated me to visit Mustafa's shop."

Mustafa Okutan include a long list of "Salonu's" on, in which he worked. Each one is named with force and conciseness, and there is no doubt, all have a place in his heart. On it goes along here ...
Mustafa Okutan Enumerates a long list of 'salonus' where he used to work. He names every single one with impetus and pithiness, and there is no doubt, he stores all of them in his heart. Please follow ...

Mustafa Okutan at the age of 17, began his training. Claim to exclusivity, this review of the Barber of Ehrenfeld not incidentally, I am by no means the first to report on Mustafa. Now that I have struggled a bit with me, I link the video "Kaya Yanar the hairdresser" here now: it's just nice to watch Mustafa at work.
Mustafa Okukan at the age of 17, starting his apprenticeship.This aticle, by the way, does not lay claim on exclusivity. I'm definitely not the first one who publicis a story about Mustafa. So, after brooding on this for a while, I finally decided to put a link on the video : "Kaya Yanar at the barber." It's just too nice to watch Mustafa at work.

What is most important in life? "Four things," says Mustafa, and counts on his fingers; ". Honesty, that you love your job, health and patience" Patience, he told me, also means 'to endure', and allowing that life can be lived in peace and serenity. And peace is worth much, he says. The most important
values in life? "Four things," Mustafa says, and he Enumerates them, using his fingers: "Honesty, love ones to work, health and patience." Patience, he explains, means among others "being able to endure", and this ENABLE A life in calmness and serenity. And that's of great value in life. worked

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Wwe The Rock Shower Curtain

The hieroglyphics of the everyday


"With penguin steps he moved forward. He waddled almost. His cap pulled down over face, so deep that the lashes the woolen cold protection in any eyelashes touched as they tried to clap in a relay race. His longing gaze was fixed on the road, on the strange life of the bulb faces, passive participant, he was bound and for far too long in the cinema seat, appeared to him every year a little uncomfortable, which by pressing springs drilled into his body and his reminiscent of his role.
Can I help you? "I asked him one morning. His eyes had the consistency of canned ravioli. He did not say a word, turned away and walked on. "

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Other Sits Like Jibjab

help not just furiously

When Mr. M., he always had to get up very early. He was anxious to be on time, so go ahead to his staff by example: "In the morning at the kitchen table . Hung directly across from me, a great Clock "For several years he is now retired, Mr. M. 70 years old that makes him the Clock now no more targets, which he enjoys." Newspaper to read in peace is already great, "Mr. M. was over 40 years social workers, most of the time he worked with former prisoners that was not always easy.. You have to put yourself in, the, as they are free again, and then because once again someone who wants something. So it feel at least many. "Wild free approach to help makes no sense because:" The most important thing is to establish contact, that is a real connection. This confidence is much needed and about time. "His work has Mr. M. made with heart and soul, this is felt today more clearly. "Once me Exhäftling told of his business idea that was nothing earth shattering in itself;. But it was his idea, and it has worked." About the success they were happy together, and this story describes very well what it actually went to his work: "Being There, and a real stake."
When Mr. M had still been working he always had to get up very early in the morning. It was important to him to be on time, in order to serve as example for on his staff, as well: "At my kitchen table, right in front of me, there was this huge clock." A few years ago he retired, he's 70 years old now. Not to be bothered by the clock anymore makes him happy: "To read the morning papers without ruffle or excitement, that's great." Mr. M has been working as a social worker, most of the time with ex-prisoners. That hasn't been easy throughout all times: "Just imagine that; they're just released from custody, and then immediately someone shows up, demanding things again. That's at least how it seems to many of them." Helping away doesn't make any sense then: "The most important thing is to get connected, to get in rapport. That requires a lot of trust, and a lot of time." He has been doing his job with much abandon, that may easily be imagined. "Once an ex-prisoner told me about his business idea, that hasn't been a big deal, by itself. But, it was his own idea, and it worked out quite well "They shared their joy about the success, and this story Describes pretty well what really mattered concerning his work:". To be there, to really take an interest "

Monday, January 24, 2011

Security Sensor Deygam

The 54th November

"I'm really too old to make a work that I do not enjoy, It has recently told a friend of mine." Jakob said, and that is at the same time his answer to my question of what it is really important in life Jacob is light and sound technicians for events;. as he tours with the chaos Oropax, the weather-appropriately enough, a stage show entitled "The 54 November" in the program. He is also a regular on live Tent Music Festival in Freiburg here, by the way the city in which James and Susan. Susan is "event manager, event manager, New Germany." The fun of it works the way Freud still Cafe Sedan : "This is just so nice there, like the longing Cafe in Cologne." Her life, she tries to live so that it corresponds to their nature as much: "So Susan Moderately it just goes." she says with a laugh: "... In times just as scratched from the rib, very philosophical."
"I'm just too old to do a work, Which doesn't make me happy; that's what a friend recently siad to me." Jakob says, and it's his answer on my question, what he considers important in life. Jakob is light-and sound technician for events: for example he's on tour with Chaostheatre Oropax, who, according to the current weather,play a show called "The 54th of November" . He's also repeatedly booked for the Zelt-Musik-Festival in Freiburg, the hometown of Jakob and Susan, by the way. Susan works as an eventmanager, and just for the fun of it she also works at Cafe Sedan : "It's such a nice place." Susan tries to live her live in her own and personal manner, as precisely as possible. "As Susan-like as possible" she says laughingly: "... To say it off-hand in street-philosophy-words ..."

I'm Susan and James discussed, moreover, in English, because, for whatever reason, was convinced that they come from Finland. And because it was so nice with the two here's a photo ...
I approached Susan and Jacob in english, by the way, because for some reason I was convinced that they're from Finland. And for the reason that it was so nice to meet them, here's one more photo ...

... oh, and by the way this is my 500th post, Tadaaa is ... I just noticed Sun
... Oh, and this is post number 500 ta-daaah! I just realized ...

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Inurl :multicamera?mode=

polyester Hock

When I Anna the last time they had met just looking for a shop in Cologne, Ehrenfeld. Voila, here it is. 2 months ago they have opened their small shop where they good-humored and well organized fashion offered in past decades. Its name is the favorite this fiber is in the 60s and 70s: Polyester Hock, how it is written out, and Dawanda also vintage non-affine access Cologne to find their precious textiles. Who's live, however, with her in the shop hat ganz klar zwei Vorteile; zum einem kann man sich von Anna's froher Leidenschaft inspirieren lassen, zum anderen ändert sie auch die Kleidung auf den individuellen Kundenleib, bis alles prima passt.
When I met Anna the last time she was just on her way to find a shop for rent in Cologne. Voilá, here it is. Two months ago she already opened up her little store, where she cheerfully and well sorted offers clothes of bygone decades. The favourite material of the 60ies and 70ies gave her the idea to call it Polyestershock. That's what's written above the door, and her Dawanda-account shares the same name, where also Non-Cologne-people may supply their vintage-wants. To visit her in her shop certainly has two advantages, on one hand you get inspired by Anna's passion merrily, and on the other hand she customize the clothes to perfect, individual fit. There

A website's not yet; their Facebook profile holds, however, under the heading info that among other things provides: "Every person may so happy and be creative as he himself allowed to become."
are now a few photos from the store, which is incidentally here. Is always open from 15 pm clock, even on Saturdays from 11.00, and these pictures will be my gift to open. Good luck, Anna! ... along here, please sehr...
A website doesn't exist yet, but her facebook-profile tells this in the category info: "Every person can get as prosperous and intentive as one allows to oneself." In the following you find some photos of the shop, which is located here , by the way. Opening-times are from 3pm in the afternoons, and saturdays from 11am on. The pictures are ment as a an opening-gift. All the best, anna! ... here you go...

How Do I Migrate Soulsilver

ocean waves quilt debris

"I am still leaving my past to the present, I prefer people, moments, that I had completed, or are believed, at least, back, like a light blanket over my life. Just this blanket is not easy, it does not warm, they will soak up with rancid emotions, first slowly and then so fast that I no longer among them come forth, me dripping springs bed almost at his weight crushed. At the last minute creep, joins everyone and everything from me and then I sit there, dazed by the loss of oxygen, dim rocks in my head, pulsating heart, which throws itself against my chest like a caged animal from the cage. I clasp my legs and can see only my toes. Nothing more. And then I ask myself, why do you do that? "