"David against Goliath": a tiny virus attacked 100 times larger giant virus
The famous story of the struggle of the supposedly defeated David against the overpowering Goliath takes place in the sea: A tiny virus attacks a 100 times more virus to himself to use as a host . In this case, it's about the virus and longterm outcome ("David") and the giant virus CroV ("Goliath").
first infected and longterm outcome of the zooplankton species roenbergenesis cafeteria. Tried the largest marine virus CroV now turn to infect the zooplankton, he is attacked by longterm outcome. Longterm outcome CroV then used for reproductive purposes, which makes him even to a so-called Virophage.
particular interest are the interactions between the two types of viruses, because they allow conclusions about the origin of various genes of higher organisms. The current study could therefore also new information on jumping genes - "transposons" called - provide.
Source: astropage.eu
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