Friday, December 31, 2010

Red Mark After Waxing

detergent cocktails

Sun Here speaks Mortimer. Yes, he speaks. He dictated the little pudding head - or as it is now affectionately called: Plüschkimo - just a little. I'm for writing that is too lazy and quite honestly, I meet with my alligator slippers do not have the correct keys. Unfortunately, I have learned this lesson only after the hard way, through love mails to a beautiful lady crocodile in Australia, which has seen the odd typo as a personal affront. Ah, women ... But
to women should not go in my little annual review, at least not to any amorous adventures do not, because I am a gentleman so, no. I just did not. What a dry spell!

Maybe I should speak up once again on things ... oh, how was it? Hm, probably is not such a good idea if I did not even retain its name. Gee whiz. My love life is uneventful. And that was somehow the last year. Can I even talk about the last year, although it is not over? Oh, never mind ... Since when I'll cling to the conventions?

So what happened in 2010? Let me think ... Hm .. Ah, well ... Oh, that was the year before. But the ... Yes, that you will like, who have anecdotes of drooling cats, the socks on his head who always ... Damn, that happened three years ago. I see one in my life, there is no power! How tragic!

Only Fremdtüdelü. But so I'm also busy enough. Exactly, I have no time for her own life, I better be there for others. I am a Samaritan, yes, exactly. The Holy Mortimer! I built the temple sacrifices, altars, and my house crocodile [here breaks off this looming Megalomanieanfall. I have indeed tired of the nonsense of this (hopefully) be open crocodile down. Friendship and Mitbewohnermortimerliebe has also come to an end. At least for me. Perhaps this was also a Mortimerjahresendzeitanfall or Marple has the ignorant again mixed a few cocktails detergent, then comes into his head a lot of chaos, by the Blubberblasen. This is now not a sentimental annual review, even if I had to tell enough, in exceptional cases of a positive nature. That's what I get for you. In the next year. See you in 2011 but again, right? OR? Concerns me is not lost, yes? I would sorely miss her yet.]


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