Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Sims 2 Faster Way To By Clothing


" You mess ... "

" Yes? "

"Say, uh ..."

"You get out there yet?"


" What? "

"Can we maybe take a break?"

"Will you go and you about me?"

Of course not. " No one voluntarily separated from his muse, without you holding back my creative hibernation. "

" But wilt thou forsaken me. "

"Do not leave, take a break. No separation for eternity, but I need some time to get to my head a little clearer. "


"Chaos, what do you say?"




"And why not?"

"I like it around gewerkelt years with you. I have not said in your head, knotted, which is allegedly tied, thoughts lighted the fire, just so you now destroy my work and I again forward must begin. "

Well, I thought I'd ask anyway once ...


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