Pipiprinzessin "I just had an encounter with a difference," I explain to Mortimer and throw myself on the sofa.
"Aliens? And I'm just looking for intelligent life. "
" said the house crocodile devouring a stack of dime novels per week. "
"Hey, nothing against my pamphlet. You will eventually be read again. "
" One thing I've read, you sheep and this is quite a while since I was twelve. "
"An eternity, now you act just like twelve."
"Oh, shut your door yet."
"Then I can ask you but not if you hit it?"
"Do you want to know now?"
"You give but not always used alone." But he has since law.
"The Pipiprinzessin."
"The Pipi
who? "
"Say, you hear from me already and to be, Mortimer, yes? The Pipiprinzessin. Over the two years I was excited. Without a break. "
" You stretch yourself constantly on about people, "he says. "How am I supposed to keep track of your privacy?"
"Because of the Pipiprinzessin?
" Yes. "
"Oh, I know again who she is, I believe," he tells me, beaming. "That was the one that always needed for hours on the toilet and you have written so stupid SMS, right?" I nod. But that was only the tip of the iceberg nerve problem. "But in all honesty, Pipiprinzessin is not very original."
"If it's not be, I'm keeping my creativity for people I like."
"And you met her today, by chance, I suppose?"
"while shopping. Me unfortunately discovered before I could escape to the next course. Yes, I know this is childish, but then I am holding childish, just go to this meeting out of the way, I would love to have crept into these stupid chests in the freezer, which determined a super professional designation, I but think of now because I'm still pissed off always . And then she came up to me, this silly grin on his face and before she reached me, threw me have this incredible scent cloud that surrounds it always a mixture of stale coffee and cold cigarette smoke, almost. "
Mortimer makes a cohesive Würgegeräusch.
"And then she just losgeblubbert as if we were both inseparable, how terrible their parents are, and how little understanding Mama and Papa Pipi Pipi show of it. For what, I have fortunately forgotten, they probably buy their Pipikind cut the wrong brand of cigarettes or those little signs not properly in the Pipiunterhosen. This has enraged me so terrible, not that this Trulla me all this crap tells neihein because I listen to that shit because I'm not just saying you stupid
snipe, then finally stop pulling out. You are 24 years old. Maybe it's time to wash your socks even stupid. I'm angry because I never say. I keep my mouth shut, let me beblubbern and hope it's soon over. Because it is easier to at this moment at least. And I wanted you prefer to staple your mouth and do terrible nasty things with their eyeballs. "
" Haste not done, right? The Augäpfeltackersache, I mean. "
"No, certainly not."
"With you can never say for sure. You can look so innocent, because it is easy to forget that you can also austicken glorious."
"Hey, I'm a peaceful man. I cried last night, almost, because the stupid master Eder has eaten away the poor Pumuckl the pudding and then I could not sleep, was too upset. "
Mortimer shook his head. He does not understand the Pumuckl pudding debacle. "And as you are really out of it with the Pipiprinzessin back out there?"
"very traditionally, have said to go I would. But you know, what's the worst? I've forgotten in the excitement, the chocolate."